Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Antelope & Horseshoe Bend Canyon+Wedding Proposal Story ❤

While in Vegas, we took a day trip to see the Antelope & Horseshoebend Canyons located in Page Arizona. It has been a long-time dream of mine to visit Page eversince I was a little girl when I found out that it was one of the film setting of my childhood idol, Britney Spears, for her music video, "Im not a girl not yet a woman" . If you havent seen the video [which was released in 2001], Britney Spears sang in a red cave and even stood on an edge of a cliff while wearing a high heeled boots! Back then, I thought that the music video's setting was unreal and that they only used a green-screen to make it looked that way. Five years later, I was laughing at my 11yrs old self because I've learned that the rock formations in her video were indeed true. I searched about it and was really amazed with what I've learned in the internet and I told myself .. "Someday, I will visit Arizona and see the canyons with my very own eyes"-- that long time dream came true last November (11 years later) and I couldnt be any happier! And it was even more special because I went there with my now, fiance šŸ˜Š

So apparently , the red cave is called Antelope Canyon. This itinerary was initially not included in our trip since we only have a couple of days to stay in Vegas. But since Page is just 4 hrs drive away from Vegas.. i really insisted to include it in our itinerary despite the long drive. šŸ˜‚ Self-guided tours arent allowed inside the Antelope so you need to reserve your slot ahead of time specially during the peak season. Btw, Antelope is consits of two canyons: the upper & lower canyons. We decided to avail the latter because its the only available slot we found online thru Ken Tours. The journey from vegas to Page is an experience in itself. On the way, our eyes were fed with breathtaking views of the canyons, desert and vibrant ray of colors that fill the sky so the long drive was definitely worth it. 

Because we're tourists, we have to stop & take a picture at the Arizona State Line Sign :)

Scenic drive to Antelope..
We also stopped by at the Utah Border Sign.. we're surprised that the temperature was -2 degree celcius on a sunny morning so we're giggling that we came unprepared. But it became warmer as the day went by.

We arrived at the Ken tours office 1 hour ahead of our tour but we're already accommodated 30 mins later. Our guide, a native Navajo who is very witty & informative, explained to us the safety precaution inside the canyon as it requires use of a long and steep stairways to access and exit. The entrance of the Lower Canyon is just a few steps away from the Ken's tour office. And long & behold, antelope is sooooooo INSANELY BEAUTIFUL. It was indeed a childhood dream came true for me and I couldnt contained my happiness as I channel the inner Britney Spears in me while were touring the Canyon. LOL

After our Antelope Tour, we headed next to Horseshoe bend Canyon. I only found out about horseshoebend because it is always linked to Antelope whenever I searched about it in the internet. Now I know why because of its close proximity [being only 10mins drive away from each other]. Unlike Antelope, there is no fee or reservation needed to see the Horsehoebend Canyon. When we get there after 20 mins of a sandy hike, I was completely struck in awe. It's very, very massive & simply spectactular. Like how on earth this rock formed so beautifully? There is no way this is True!!!

It's like laptop screen-saver come to life!

Little did I know that there was something more beautiful waiting for me at this trip because this was where Jan popped the question & asked me to marry him ❤

❤ Proposal Story ❤

Jan is a little bit scared of heights and so i thought, if ever he would propose.. it would definitely not in a cliff! That's why I have a ZERO clue that he's planning to propose on that day. When we reached the viewing point of Horseshoe bend Canyon,i noticed that Jan looks so nervous than usual. Still, i didnt get a hint because the cliff is very steep and I even got nervous & dizzy sometimes when I look down. It's our friend's second time here and he told us to follow him at the other side of the cliff as there's a good spot there for a nice photo. We walked & walked [and sometimes even climbed to big rocks ]until there were no other tourists around except from us. When we found a good spot, our friend volunteered to take our picture. We strike a couple of pose together and then Jan suddenly gave me a back-hug and started giving his speech. My heart begun beating so fast and my hands and knees were shaking! And in my head I was like "Oh my God Is he proposing?, Is he proposing?".. So I asked him "Nagpropropose ka ba?" (are you proposing?) .. I screamed when he nod and then tears started flowing in my eyes and Jan started crying too . He bent down on one knee and took out the ring in his pocket and said " Will you marry me?".. And ofcourse I said "YES!". We hugged & kissed each other and there's no exact word to describe how happy we were at that moment. It's everything I dreamed and more!

Thank you my love for making me the happiest girl on earth!!!
 We're officially engaged!! :)
and a little celebration of his successful proposal. hihi

PS: When we got back to our senses, it was only then we realized that we're literally just a few meters away from the cliff. This man conquered his fear just to show how much he loves me šŸ¤— 

To my now FIANCE.. thank you for loving me the way you do! And I cant wait to be your wife! Pretty Soon! šŸ˜❤



Saturday, December 29, 2018

2 days in Las Vegas

From San Francisco, we took another 1.5 hours flight to our next destination.. Las Vegas, Nevada. Our friend was able to get us a good deal & booked a 2 nights stay in Flamingo Hotel which is located in Vegas' famous strip. Since we couldnt check in to our hotel until 3pm & we wouldnt want to waste time, we decided to drive less than an hour from the airport to visit the Hoover Dam-- a concrete gravity-arch dam constructed during the 1930s situated between the US border states of Nevada & Arizona. We explored the dam for a little while & then drove back to the City. We actually didnt do much in Vegas aside from having a quick photo at the vegas sign & checking the strip in only about an hour or so because we went on a day-tour in Arizona the next day. We initially planned to watch a show in Vegas but we run out of time (and energy šŸ˜‚)-- but atleast we have a reason to come back in Vegas. And as what many people say, Vegas is a city like no other. And it wouldnt be tagged as a sin city for no reason šŸ˜‚

Just arrived in Vegas airport 

Vegas is indeed the world's gambling capital because right when you arrived in the airport.. the slot machines are scattered all over šŸ˜‚

We grabbed some quick bite at a local fastfood chain called Five Guys. Among the burgers we tried in our trip such as In-and-Out, Mcdonalds, Shakeshack & Whitecastle.. Five Guys' burger is my most favorite.

Hoover Dam

A true marvel of engineering considering that it was built in the 1930s.

Just a few step away are the borders of Nevada & Arizona with one hour time difference. So you'll be in a different timezone in a just a few seconds.

Arizona border

Much love & respect to those who designed & built it.

And because we're tourist, ofcourse, we wouldnt miss to have a quick photoop to the Vegas sign.

Believe it or not this is a candid photo LOL

With my love 

Our double-bed room at Flamingo Hotel

Love the Pink lighting of the bathroom. Plus it has its own TV inside.

Look at this happy boy šŸ˜‚

Dinner at White Castle. A mini-burger that literally melts in your mouth

Roaming around at the Vegas Strip

Casino after Casino after Casino

For a tropical folks like we do.. seeing a giant cactus amazes us šŸ˜‚

So that's about a short trip in the Sin City. Till we meet again, Vegas.



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