Saturday, November 17, 2012

Lee Min Ho Benchsetter Fun Meet in Smart Araneta Coliseum

It has been exactly 24 hours since I saw Lee Min Ho and yet I'm still in cloud nine. I can't still believe that I finally saw him up close with my very own eyes [though I was not able to hold his hand and take picture with him [but atleast we were just 2 rows apart from the stage]. :)) 

The moment he entered I felt so breathless... and speechless! And yes, Lee Min Ho looks more dreamy in person.
Here are some of Min Ho's photos that I've taken last night. DSLR were not allowed inside the Smart Araneta so I only used my digicam.. Sorry for the low quality photos. 

My gosh! How come a beautiful man like him exists? ;)

I was quite not impressed with the stage design.. Its just a plain flaming red backdrop. How I wish Bench made more effort to design oppa's stage. He deserves a better stage! Oh well.. If not with Bench I will not be able to see Min Ho so never mind. hahaha. Thank You Bench!^^

Min Ho's photoshoot was shown in the backdrop. Woah! Drool! ~~

Count down...

There he is. ;) My Prince 

The lucky 16 yr old girl who won the act that scene contest. She's so lucky! I envy her!

Oppa already saying goodbye~~ ;(

And to have some sort of evidence that we've watched the bench setter fun meet last night, here's our photo [with cousins] taken before Min Ho's appearance..

So now I could proudly say that we were there. hehehe~~

Eeiisshhh we looked so haggard.

I can't sleep.. I still have hang-over from that wonderful night.

Absolutely a dream come true for me.

Thank you Lord and Bench!!^^

I hope to see Lee Min Ho again.~~




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