Sunday, January 06, 2013

My 2013 Goals ❤

Hello my lovelies! 

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!

Its the first Sunday of 2013 and my first blog entry for this year so I thought I would share with you my 2013 goals or so called "New Year's Resolution". :))

Looking back at my last year's resolution, I think 70% were achieved. I plan to continue what I have started and attain more goals.

Here they are:

1. Forgive and let go of the grudges I feel to the people who have hurt me.
2. Love myself even more.
3. Lose weight. Specially my belly fats. XD
4. Be seriously disciplined of what I eat.
5. Exercise/Jog every weekends with cousins.
6. Walk the dogs on my free time.
7. Avoid being late at work.
8. Be a more efficient employee.
9. Close more deals with my AXA Business
10. Write more blogs and keep it updated.
11. Be more organized.
12. Overhaul my room.
13. Save money to pay for my insurance premium.
14. Treat my family with an out-of-town vacation.
15. Be a better daughter? :)
16. Help my mom with household chores.
17. Learn to cook more dishes.
18. Stop depressing myself over small; non-sense things.
19. Be more positive.
20. Learn how to play guitar.
21. Make myself even beautiful; rebond my hair, focus on my diet, skin beautification, nail arts & wear nice clothes :))
22. Pay more attention in taking good care of my hair. I want to have a shiny, healthy hair!!!
23. Inspire other women to be the better versions of themselves!
24. Play with my nephew and dogs more.
25. And lastly, enjoy my life to the fullest!

So there.. Maybe I might add some few more in the coming months. But this is good for now.
Goodluck to everybody else who have resolutions!!



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