Sunday, August 11, 2013

My Mid-year 2013 Resolution Review

Hello everyone.. 

Time is really flying by so quickly! I cant believe that we are half way through 2013-- So I thought this is the good time for me to look back at my New Year's Resolution . I  was pleasantly surprised and really happy  of  the progress I've made so far. Im proud to say that I've already accomplished more than half of my 2013 goals in half a year--18 accomplished goals out of 25, Not bad, right? =D

 Let's start with my goal number 3 which is losing weight and my bellyfats and the rest just follows(because they are somehow connected to each other) hehehe... I'm not literally fat but I was really unhappy with my body. I remember my cousins always tease me with my big, round & bloated tummy that is why losing weight has always been my #1 list in my yearly resolution. But for some reasons, my past attempts of doing it all at once--dieting, exercising, hitting the gym and then some only made me discouraged and hungry. T_T

But this year, I have made a serious commitment of making my resolution of losing weight a reality! For the past months, I religiously exercise during Wednesday and weekends. During Saturday, I jog early in the morning and walk my dogs then during Sundays I do indoor exercise by following some exercise videos in youtube

Work-out time ^_^
With my sweethearts. I walk them after I jog. ( Goal number 6) :)

 I also became aware of my food intakes. I now avoid eating junk or any processed foods and try to eat as many healthy foods as possible such as vegetables and fruits. I also try to reduce the amount of rice I eat because believe it or not, I can consume as much as 3-4 cups of rice per meal.. (I knowwww.. pull my hair now) hahaha. And I'm glad to share that for the past 3 months, I only eat 1/2 cup of rice for lunch and 3 spoonful rice for dinner . Hahaha. I know I'm crazy!

 So now after months of working hard, from 29 waist line ( I know this is such a huge shame), my waist line is now 27! 1 inch to go!! wohhooo. Now the real challenge is keeping my current weight. But Im not going to be discouraged and lazy.. I plan to continue exercising and watch my diet--forever! Not only because I want to maintain being fit but also because I want to be more healthy and stronger as I age :)

Speaking of beautification (goal numbers 21 and 22), I now pay more attention to my skin by exfoliating every other 2 or 3 days, applying lotion after I bath and putting lemons to my knees,elbows & underarm to make them lighter. I also dont miss taking vitamins and supplements such as Vit C, E and Iron and I hot oil my hair weekly :)

Also, I now go to my work early recently (because I was forced to due to the new coastal terminal). I leave our house 5:30 am and I will be at the office at around 6:40 or before 7am. So I still have an hour to take a nap at my desk.. hmmm not bad. So my #7 resolution is accomplished because of Tolentino. :)

 As you may have noticed, most of my resolution for this year are more of a personal goals. Nxt year I want to focus on my Career and Financial goals! Yey! I'm thinking of changing a career and be independent. Hmmm.. Let's see what will happen. But for now I will work first on my unaccomplished goals..

So how are your goals going so far? I'd love for you to share? ^_^



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