Sunday, September 29, 2013

My September ♥

Hello strangers..

So here I am trying to blog again. It's the last Sunday of this month and I can say that September has been a crazy month for me getting adjusted to a new position I was assigned with after my boss resigned & adjusting to our new home.. Yes,we just moved to a new house almost a couple of weeks ago. The entire house was painted with a light apple green color & I never thought that green can be that relaxing to the eyes.. We also have an attic that we're still figuring out what to do since its pretty big. It's half the size of the entire house. Hmmmm.. How I love our new house .. I pray to God that I could have the means to buy this house & give to my parents before I get married.

 with my cute,naughty nephew,Xian :))

the attic :))

Also, September is the birth month of the two important people in my life-- my nephew and boyfriend. Jan and I had a simple dinner at Sentro 1771 at Glorietta and spent the rest of the night with a refreshing cocktails in a bar that I completely forgot the name :)) The place was so romantic with candle lights, relaxing couch & good music.. We totally had a perfect night!~

  This man really knocks me off my feet. I feel secure & incredibly happy whenever I'm with him.~~

I still have so much to share but its already 11:00pm and I need to sleep now..

Till my next post. (^_^)



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