Saturday, October 17, 2015

Part 4- 5D4N DIY Tour in Hongkong & Macau: A day tour in Macau

To complete your Hongkong vacation, it is highly suggested to take a side trip to its borderline country, Macau.  Famous for its diverse & interesting blend of Chinese & Portuguese architecture & culture [due to hundreds of years of colonial rule of Portugal in Macau] and gambling industry--it is no wonder why it is often tag as the gambling capital of Asia. Unless you enjoy gambling, you could pretty much explore Macau in just a whole day. That is why many tourists from Hongkong and other neighboring countries opt for only a day tour in Macau like we did. 

How to go to Macau from Tsim Tsa Tsui: 

From our hotel accommodation, the China Ferry Terminal to Macau is just around 15-20minutes walk.

If you're coming from Tsim Tsa Tsui, cross the street of Nathan Road and walk down to Haiphong Road until you reach Canton Road. Continue walking the Canton Road until you see the China Hongkong City Mall  in your left. The China Ferry terminal is adjacent to that mall. We arrived in the terminal at around 9am and was able to catch the 9:30am sailing. We also bought our return ticket at 8:00pm. Our roundtrip ticket for two via Turbojet for economy seat was HK$706 .. so that's around HK$315 per person.

On our way to Macau. The ride takes around 90minutes... and the ride was a little bumpy. yay!

Macau has a separate immigration regime from Hongkong, Mainland China and Taiwan. All travelers from the mentioned countries  [and all foreign countries] have to go through immigration & custom check. It was rainy when we arrived in Macau. We initially planned to go to St. Paul Ruins  but because of the rain, we opted to visit the Venetian Hotel first and had our lunch at the hotel's food court. From the terminal, we hop the free shuttle of Venetian hotel.

And ofcourse picture-picture to the Venice-inspired hotel with the beautiful fake blue sky which I thought was really a real sky before.

After lunch and a short stroll to the boutique shops along grand canal of venetian hotel, we rode the shuttle bus back to terminal. From there, we rode a taxi to Senado Square to meet my friend, Aj, who works as a bartender in one of the hotels in Macau. Our taxi fare was MOP38. Hongkong dollar is highly accepted in Macau with 1:1 exchange rate.

With my college friend, Aj at Mcdonalds Senado Square. 

We decided to spend our entire time in Macau around Senado Square and St. Paul Ruins as Casino hopping doesn't seem so appealing to us. We spent an hour at Starbucks [just beside the Ruins] and also tried out their famed Portuguese egg tart from a local store.

Senado Square

On our way to the St. Paul Ruins we passed by to many stores selling egg tarts & other Macau delicacies


The famed Portuguese egg tart

 St. Paul Ruins

Famous souvenir store in St. Paul Ruins

On our way back to the terminal, we had a difficult time catching a taxi from Senado square so we walked towards Grand Lisboa hotel and rode the No. 12 bus to the terminal. When you're visiting countries like Hongkong and Macau.. be sure to wear comfy shoes as it requires a LOT of walking. 

 Wynn Hotel
 Grand Lisboa Hotel

We arrived in Hongkong around 9pm and ended our day with a dinner in Mcdo and some more souvenir shopping at a store located at the ground floor of Mirador Mansion.

Our tour was only like 4D4N because we had an early flight back to Manila on our 5th day in Hongkong. We checked out Modern Inn at around 5:30 am and rode the A21 bus to the airport that conveniently passes by across our hotel accommodation. A little piece of advise: Allot atleast 2hours allowance before your flight . Hongkong International Airport is so huge.. In our case, PAL's ticketing/reservation booth [to get our boarding pass] is on Terminal 2 but the boarding gate was located in the Terminal 1. Although free train ride is available that connects between the two terminals but I tell you, it was really time consuming. 

So that concludes our Hongkong-Macau trip. This trip wasn't the best trip we had so far but definitely an unforgettable first trip abroad as a couple.  We would definitely want to see and experience more of what these countries have to offer in our next visit!


Part 3- 5D4N DiY Tour in Hongkong-Macau- Ngong Ping 360 & Shopping in Mongkok

In our 3rd day in Hongkong, we went to Ngong Ping 360 to see the Tian Tian Buddha..We're fortunate to experience the cable car going to the Big Buddha because often times-- most especially during the bad weather.. the cable car is usually close or close in some random days for maintenance purposes.  The sky was clear this time and the cable car ride was already an experience itself-- feeding our eyes with panoramic view of the entire Lantau Island, South China Sea & Hongkong International Airport. We arrived at the end of Tung Chung line [where you could ride the cable car] past 10am and availed their round trip glass bottom cable car for HK$255 each. The one-way ride  takes about less than 30minutes. If the cable car is closed for whatever reason, you may take Bus 23 parked near Tung Chung Town Center (HKD 17) to get to the Tian Tian Buddha.

Entrance ticket to Ngong Ping 360

Going to the Big Buddha, we had a family of 3 to ride the cable car with. 

View on top of the cable car:

Glass-bottom cable car. yay!

And the glance of big buddha sitting beautifully at the top of the mountain.

Entrace from the Big Buddha

We took 268 steps to reach the Tian Tian Buddha. It took more than a decade to complete the bronze Big Buddha which is said to be the 3rd biggest buddha image in the world.

The Tian Tian Budhha

We had our lunch at Subway, took a short stroll and headed back to the cable car to go for an early shopping in Mongkok. On our way back to Tung Chung, we had the entire cable car just to ourselves so ofcourse, we took advantage to take a lot of photos inside the cable car. hehehe

Mongkok by day

Honestly, i dont enjoy shopping in Mongkok.. i dont know.. maybe because we arrived earlier than the famed night market.. we enjoyed shopping in Macau more than in Mongkok... but we were able to find cheap  souvenir items  such as T-shirt with Hongkong print-out for $100 for 6pcs, 3 pcs cute umbrellas for also $100 etc etc..



Saturday, October 10, 2015

Part 2- 5D4N DIY Tour in Hongkong-Macau: Disneyland!

In our 2nd day in Hongkong, we went for a day of exploring the Disneyland! Yey! It was both our first time in Disney and the inner kids in us were bursting in excitement to explore the so called "The happiest place on earth".. I was quite hesitant at first to push through our Disney tour because it was announced in the news that it would rain the whole day in Hongkong-- which is obviously not an ideal time to go in Disney. Jan and I decided to follow our itinerary and just enjoy our first time in Disney despite the weather. Although it rained most of the time, the rain was still manageable (with little rain showers) so the kids and the kids at heart still enjoy the rides and attractions. In fact, the themed park was still full of people even in a pouring rain and the kids didnt bother playing with their raincoats on. That's how the magic of Disney works. 

How to go to Disneyland from Tsim Tsa Tsui: Take Tsuen Wan line from East Tsim Tsa Tsui to Lai king station, change to Tung Chung line to Sunny bay station and then take the disneyland resort line with cute mickey inspired train.


We bought our ticket at Disney entrance for Hk$499 each.

We arrived in Disney at around 11am so before we further explore the attractions, we had our lunch first at tomorrow land restaurant. The restaurant offers both rice & burger meals with price ranges to HK$90 and above. Disney also allow bringing of beverages and some light snack which I highly recommend because snack/beverages in Disney is  expensive. And oh, selfie-stick is now prohibited. T_T

I ordered grilled chicken with tomato sauce and mickey mouse shaped rice 

And Jan ordered Fried chicken with fries

Here are some of the photo's we've taken:

The attractions we've both enjoyed the most were the Lion King show and the 3D Mickey Mouse animated show. 

 With our favorite Disney Character, Woody!

The rain stopped before 9pm so the highly anticipated closing firework display was not cancelled as what we all feared. Yey! The Disney fireworks was probably the most beautiful firework display I've ever seen in my life so far.. a childhood dream fulfilled for the both of us! 

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