Saturday, November 05, 2016

Short Family weekend trip in Bohol

One of my New Year goals for this year is to treat my family an out-of-town vacation because it has been a while since we went on a vacation together as a family. Bohol is the first thing that crossed into my mind when I was planning our trip because I just thought that Bohol is a friendly tourist destination for families traveling with young children (and senior citizens like my mom). Hihi. 

And so when PAL announced their 75th anniversary promo last March, I immediately grabbed the chance and  booked my family a roundtrip ticket to Tagbilaran (Php575 one way). It was  also our first time in Bohol and so we were so excited to see the  Chocolate Hills and the cute little Tarsiers which Bohol is famous for. We stayed in Alona Northland Resort located in Panglao Island in our 3days and 2nights in Bohol. Our room is very spacious with duplex room, kitchenette and a balcony facing the resort's pool. They also offer family room with kitchen & complete cooking utensils for a lesser price so you have an option to cook in your room but we availed the one with breakfast[ good for 4 pax] for Php5,500.00 per night. 

Family room of Alona Northland Hotel

 Adjacent room (1 king size bed and another 1 queen size bed)

View from our room

In the afternoon, we went to Dumaluan Beach for a swim but it was lowtide when we arrived in the beach so we didn't appreciate it that much. But during the high-tide (judging from its fine white sand), the beach could have been beautiful. 

Sunset of Dumaluan Beach

With my sister, Ate Ycai

Our sumptuous dinner of Grilled pork belly, chicken & corn with ceasar salad. I forgot the name of the restaurant but it is located near the Hennan Resort Alona.

The next day, we woke up early to prepare for our country-side tour. The hotel offers complimentary plated breakfast at their restaurant which has a very cozy ambiance by the pool. 

Plated breakfast of Alona Northland Hotel

We also availed the hotel's car for rent worth Php2,200.00 and just paid the entrance fees and Loboc river lunch buffet separately. The hotel provided us a red Innova Car. We first headed to Centuries-old Baclayon Church which is still under construction after its facade collapsed in a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in 2013. The Baclayon Church is the second oldest church in the Philippines. Adjacent to the church is its museum which showcase some interesting religious relics and artifacts.  No photos are allowed inside the museum. Entrance fee is Php50.00. 

Altar of Baclayon Church

Next, we headed to Bohol Python and Wildlife Park .. a home to the late python superstar named "Prony" which is said to be the country's  biggest snake in captivity. Prony died in 2013 for an unknown reason. She was 17 years old. The wildpark is now home to prony's daughter, grandchildren and other wild animals. Entrance fee is Php20.00

Prony's daughter

Xian with Prony's albino grand daughter python snake.

A short drive away from the wildlife park, we went next to the butterflies sanctuary. For a Php45.00 entrance fee, a guide explained to us the life cycle of butterflies. We were also able to touch a cocoon for the first time and have some picture taking with the lovely butterflies.

Our next stop is our lunch buffet at the Loboc River. I forgot how much is the entrance fee but it is around Php500+ . Since Xian is only 5 yrs old, his entrance fee was free. The food served to us in the boat is just so-so. While having lunch, a group of cute children entertained us with traditional Filipino dances.

 The jade-green water of Loboc River

 Cute Little Children entertained us with a traditional Filipino Dance

Lunch time with the Fam bam

And then we headed to our highly anticipated Chocolate Hills deck viewing at the town of Carmen. It is only then that I learned that there are 1,776 chocolate hills in Bohol. What a shame! hahaha. How come I didn't learn that in Elementary?! Seeing the chocolate hills for the first time somehow fulfilled my childhood dream.

 On the way to the chocolateeyyy. :)

 Exhausting 200+ steps to get to the viewing deck but so worth it!

Ofcourse, we wont miss the chance to see the cute little tarsier. They reminded me so much of my chihuahua dog named, Calix. Hehe. I didn't expect that they were so little. The Tarsier are venerable to extinction due to their extremely shy behavior. They tend to commit suicide when they are stressed so taking pictures of them with flash and loud noise inside the conservatory is strictly prohibited. 

The cute Tarsiers

Along the way, we had a short photoops to the Bilar man-made forest which made me feel like I was in a setting of an American film

Our last and final stop, a monument of Blood Compact or Sandugo. It is said that the exact same spot of the monument is where the first friendship treaty sealed thru blood compact by Bohol Chieftain, Datu Sikatuna and Spanish Explorer Miguel Lopez de Legazpi in 1565. This was also where we bought our ref magnets for souvenir. Kuya Juning said that this is where we can find the cheapest pasalubong in Bohol.

Blood Compact

We ended our day with a night swimming in the resort's pool and ate at a famous restaurant in Bohol called "payag" which offers Bohol's version of Chicken Inato. The difference from Bacolod's Inato? Bohol's Inato is a little sweeter in taste and instead of the usual toyo-mansi, they used fish sauce-mansi as condiments.

Bacolod's version of Chicken Inato

So that's sums up our trip to Bohol. Our third day was only spent for our flight back to Manila. It was indeed a short but relaxing and fun-filled weekend trip with my family. I should plan another trip for us before this year ends .. where will we head next? hmmmm...


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