Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Part 4- Tokyo Series: A day in Nikko

In our last day in Tokyo, we decided to go on a day trip in Nikko.. a quiet City North of Tokyo famous for Togoshu, Japan's lavisly decorated shrine built in 1617 in honour of the late founder of Tokugawa shogunate or Edo Period, Tokugawa Leyasu. The travel time to get to Nikko is about 2 hours train ride from Shinjuku Station.

I honestly came here with little expectation because when I googled about Nikko prior to our trip, I thought that it's just another place to see lavish shrines with some few greeneries around. If not only for Ate Ann who convinced us to go here I would probably just stay in the City. But Nikko has so much more to offer.. It's fascinating more than I can put into words that this day trip became instantly the highlight of our 8 days adventure in Tokyo. Yes, I surprisingly enjoyed it more than our trip in Mt. Fuji.

 Due to time restriction, we're only able to explore Nikko for 3 hours. But despite staying for such a short time.. our trip to Nikko was very fulfilling & definitely worth the long travel. Not only did we get to see traditional Japanese architectures but also enjoyed the unique beauty of nature. Too beautiful that I almost shed a tear as I look at the peaceful & gorgeous view in front of me with its breathtaking landscapes, serene lakes, picturesque waterfalls & mountainous forest. And I tell you, pictures just simply dont give justice to its real beauty. Every little time we spent here were postcard moments.

Welcome to Nikko!

Because we're on top of the mountain.. there were still scattered snow everywhere.

Mt. Nantai

The brothers goofing around. 

And then we took the elevator down to see the viewing observatory of Kegon Falls.. It costs 500 yen but it's totally worth it!

The amazingly beautiful Kegon Falls.. I could've stood there for hours!

The tranquil Lake Chuzenji 

The famous & sacred Shinkyo Bridge .. Nikko's famous landmark.

The Shinkyo bridge is also ranked as one of Japan's three finest bridge. Fun Fact: Only the Royal Family can cross this bridge that is why it's always photographed with completely no tourist around. Should you wish to be photographed in the bridge, you need to pay for a certain amount [but that wont allow you to cross the bridge anyway].

The quiet City of Nikko at night. There were barely no tourists around except from us.. 

We would definitely be back.. hopefully in the winter time when the whole City  is covered with snow & maybe spend a couple of nights there because I tell you.. a day isn't enough to explore Nikko. I've read from the guide map that It has natural hot spring, snow ski, hiking trails, shrines (sadly we didnt get to see it's famous shrine) & many more..and the best part? It's just  easily accessible from Tokyo. I cant wait till winter! 

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Part 3- Tokyo Series: A day in Mt. Fuji & Hakone + Cherry Blossoms in Meguro River

One of my bucket list for years is to see Mt. Fuji-- Japan's highest mountain & most iconic landmark. It is said that Mt. Fuji only shows up about 80+ days in a year so we feel so lucky to have seen it in its full glory during our trip. And being the tropical girl that I am.. it was also my first time to see a snow-capped mountain so when our tour guide said.. "Wake up guys.. Mt. Fuji is on your left!".. my heart was literally pounding with so much excitement!!

It is indeed a sight to behold! 

My quick shot of Mt. Fuji inside the bus..

And another shot. I think I have a hundred shot of Mt. Fuji in my phone. hehehe~

We booked our day tour online thru Viator which Ate Ann only reserved a day prior our trip . The tour includes bus tour to Mt. Fuji + Hakone with ropeway ride & a one-way return ticket to Tokyo via bullet train. A sumptuous lunch by the lake was also included in the package. Our tour guide is a very friendly & soft-spoken Japanese woman. Although there were times that she's having a difficulty translating her words to English but I really appreciate her effort to make our tour an enjoyable one by preparing some games & giving us a simple sweet treat out of her pocket.

Our 1st stop.. Lake Kawaguchi cruise.. this is where we enjoy the view of Mt. Fuji the most.. 

Lake Kawaguchi

Cruisin' along Lake Kawaguchi..

breathtaking view from the boat..

My only descent photo with Mt. Fuji. hihi.. But I'm so happy to finally ticked off another item in my bucket list!

After the cruise.. it's lunch time!!! We had our lunch at the restaurant in front of Lake Kawaguchi. The lunch served to us was a sumptuous authentic  Japanese set meal. I specifically enjoy the fish. It was sweet & savory!

Lunch time! Nom Nom Nom

Happy Tummies..

Next we went for a 1 hour bus ride to get to the 5th station. But in our case we were only able to reach until the 4th station as the 5th station was closed due to heavy snow-fall. The scenery on the way to the station was so incredibly beautiful. There were still a bunch of snow everywhere eventhough its already spring. On a fine weather.. Mt Fuji can be seen from here but by the moment we arrived.. the shy Mt. Fuji was already covered with clouds & fogs. But it was completely okay because we still enjoyed the view around us & took the opportunity to take a lot of pictures in the snow..

Spring & winter combined in this trip! :)

Snow everywhere..

The tropical guy enjoying the snow. :)

And then we headed next to Hakone where we rode a ropeway to go up in a mountain. The ride takes about almost 30 minutes. . We were around 20 people standing inside the cable car & I was a little nervous as we go up farther. But The view from the ropeway was absolutely gorgeous! 

Line for the ropeway ride

 Inside the ropeway. Isnt it my boyfriend & her younger sister are very much look alike? 

  Yeee. we're so high .. higher than the mountain..

 View from the top..

 The temperature was actually very chilly but we still managed to pose for the camera :)

 Finally arrived on top of the mountain. We didnt explore that much due to lack of time. Good thing we wore our heat tech shirts because it was very cold on top.

And a souvenir photo..

So that's the end of our day tour in Mt. Fuji & Hakone. Our bus dropped us at the train station where we rode the bullet train in our return trip to Tokyo which only took us about an hour. And because it's still early & we have energy left.. we decided to go to Meguro river..

Riding the bullet train for our return trip to Tokyo

The Meguro river is another popular spot in Tokyo for cherry blossoms viewing. I could imagine how beautiful the river is during the day time. The red & yellow lanterns as well as the added illumination made the cherry blossoms much more stunning at night..

I have no words..

I just couldnt get enough of these pretty blossoms..

The red & yellow laterns that made the cherry blossoms more beautiful at night..

Friday, May 25, 2018

Part 2- Tokyo Series: Exploring Asakusa, Akihabara, Shinjuku + Hanami in Shinjuku Gyoen

This is the part 2 of our Tokyo Series Blog. Click this link if you've missed the first part.

Day 3: Exploring Asakusa & Akihabara 

Asakusa is another major sightseeing attraction & historic district located at the east part of Tokyo famous for it's old & rustic atmosphere where you can enjoy not only visiting historical structures, but also shopping & eating. It is home to the City's oldest buddhist temple built in the 7th Century, the Sensoji Temple-- which was our main agenda in visiting this neighborhood. Although it can be quite crowded there during the day but I think it is still worth a visit especially in Spring when the beautiful cherry flowers around the temple are in full bloom. There are also a number of stalls on both sides leading to the temple called Nakamise Shopping Street where you could eat authentic streetfoods & buy traditional souvenir items. 

But first.. I had to take a photo of my make up of the day! Hehehe~. 

Before heading to the station, we ate at a ramen restaurant for lunch just right at the exit of the nearest subway station of our airbnb house. I think we ate ramen there for about 4 times? Yes, their ramen is that good we kept on coming back!  

At the entrance of Sensoji Temple

Nakamise Shopping Street

Beautiful Cherry Trees along the shrine

With My looovveee

View from the other side of the temple

Takoyaki-making! Yumyum!

The view of 634 meter high Tokyo Skytree is always with you when you're in Asakusa

Strolled around Sumida River with the view of the famed Asahi Beer Headquarter & Tokyo Skytree..

From Asakusa, we headed next to Akihabara where we met Jan's sister. While Asakusa is more of an old & rustic vibe.. Akihabara is very modern & futuristic. This neighborhood is famous for its many electronic shops thus it is often tagged as the "Nerds' haven"..  You could pretty much find & buy all of the hi-tech gagdets/electronics & anime items you could ever imagine here in this neighborhood from videogames, anime collectible items & even adult stuff, too! We went to one of the shops there & found out that 4 floors of the shop's building sells anime adult stuff (or also known as Hentai 🙈).. I was completely in shocked upon seeing those items because I never knew that it's just so easy  to purchase such things in Japan (as easy as buying a chocolate in grocery store). hehehe~ But nonetheless, it was one weird but fun experience. 

Vibrant Akihara district at night

Building full of jumbo neon-light advertisements

With Jan's sister.. Ate Ann

 And the one I mentioned earlier.. Anime for the big boys! :) Look at my bf's reaction. LOL

Shelve of anime cds

Day 4.. Hanami Picnic in Shinjuku Gyoen

Cherry blossoms festival (or also known as Hanami) is an important custom in Japan. People fill the park to eat & celebrate under the cherry trees with their families/friends. And since we came just in time for cherry blossoms, we thought it would be fun to include this in our itinerary & experience hanami.. We have seen the cherry blossoms of South Korea last year.. and to compare it with that in Japan.. I personally think that Japan's cherry blossoms are more beautiful... Our airbnb flat is only about 12 mins train ride away from Shinjuku so we decided to head to Shinjuku Gyoen for our hanami day. It's so amazing to know that there is a big, beautiful & serene park existed at a short walk from the busy Shinjuku. We spent the entire day picniking, appreciating the cherry blossoms & watching children play & run happily in the park.

Shinjuku Gyoen full of beautiful cherry blossoms

My moment with the Sakura :)

Our packed snack bought at Konbini

Mochi from 7 eleven

People finding the perfect spot for sitting under the cherry blossoms

Dad & daughter bonding. This made me miss my Dad.

Ofcourse, we have our moment, too! :)

With Jan's Family..

Isnt it so beautiful?

Day 5: Drugstore & Make-up Shopping in Shinjuku

The next day.. we woke up quite late & went for make up & beauty products shopping in Shinjuku. We intended to explore Ikebukuro but the shops close early there at 8pm so we decided to head back to Shinjuku to see what we can buy for souvenir . Just a short walk from the station, we found this building with 3 floors full of drugstore & make up products! We're literally in haven & spent 2 hours checking all the products from sunscreens, waterproof eyeliners, collagen drinks, eyedrops etc. It's crazy !! It's just so easy to spend all your money  staying in this building 😂

The building is called Ainz Tulpe. Check this out if you're in Shinjuku.

Japanese Drugstore products..

and more drugstore products..

k-pallete set for only 1500 yen

Continuation here .

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