Saturday, January 31, 2015

Batanes Day 3: South Batan ❤

Time went by so fast we didn't realize that we're on our 3rd and last tour. This time, we're 5 joiners-- me and Jan, Ron and another couple. Our tour guide for our South Batan tour named Paul. A 22 yrs old  grade school teacher who also works as a part time guide in Bisumi. Judging from the way he delivers the information about Batanes to us, he's indeed a teacher by profession.

Our call time was 9:30am . We woke up early to bike at the downtown. Natuloy rin sa wakas! We bought some canned goods and salted egg and cooked it in Marfel's which we gladly shared with our housemates-- A couple ( almost same age as my parents) going on a honeymoon in Batanes for their 31st wedding anniversary. Its so nice to know that even a married couple like them who've been together for more than 3 decades still find time to travel and get more bonded. Often times we've seen them holding hands and teasing each other. Sabi ko Kay Jan sana ganyan din tayo when we grow old. It made us inspired to travel more..

Anyway,  Paul picked us at our accommodation at exactly 9:30am. We first headed to chawa view deck and Mahatao Boat shelter Port.

We also went to Tayid Light house located at the middle of the pastures and is closed to the hill. One can have a stunning view of the ocean, hills and Mt. Iraya sitting at the side of the lighthouse. 

Before lunch we headed to Mahatao Church and  Batanes Blank Book Archive.. Tourists are free to select a blank book and write whatever their heart desires. When the time comes that I'll have my own children, I'll bring them to Batanes and let them read what I've written..

Beautiful Altar of Ivana Church.. 

And a sumptuous lunch at Paulvanas Canteen. They served us seaweed soup, ground pork w/ tomato sauce, fish, eggplant salad and a fried sweet potato for dessert. Sorry, I'm bad with describing foods

Next stop was the blue lagoon. Do I need to explain where the beach derived its name?
Jan has been tempted to jump in the blue lagoon many times like a little kid that  I need to repeatedly remind him that we didn't bring extra clothes.

House of Dakay---The oldest stoned house in Batanes...

Tatay Francisco.. A descendant of Dakay Family.. Suddenly barged in with our conversation and told me "I love you"..As shown in the picture below, he was expressing his love for me.. was not actually  my first time to be told Iloveyou by an Ivatan elderly. While we are exploring Lighthouse of Naidi Hills in our first day in Batanes, another old Ivatan man also told me Iloveyou (as in with strong desirous facial expression) Sabi ni Ron.. Baka its their way lang to say you're beautiful. Weeeee talaga? Ngiting hanggang tenga! . Assuming lang teh. Hehe

Next stop is the Ivana Church 

Across the Ivana Church is the famous Honesty Coffee Shop. Ivatans pride themselves with zero crime rate and known to be honest people. The existence of Honesty Coffee Shop, an unmanned store where you just get anything that you need and put your payment at designated box proves that Honesty is the best policy in Batanes. How I wish we could practice the same value in Manila. I bought some pasalubong in this store and made sure to pay the exact amount.

We also stopped by at some cliffs on the way to Marlboro Hills which Paul said was not included in the itinerary. I  just don't remember the name of the places he'd mentioned. What a lame?! That is why I want to blog right after the trip kasi nakakalimutan ko talaga. But anyway atleast I was able to capture some photos.. 

And our final stop.. The famous Marlboro hills for sunset viewing which I think the highlight of our South Batan tour.  While our other joiners spent a lot of time taking pictures.. Jan and I decided to lay at Marlboro hills for hours. Just looking at the clouds, appreciating the view and  savoring the quaint moment.. A first time for us! 

The song ''Do I need a reason'' by the D' sound keep on playing in my mind the entire time we were at Marlboro hills. And in fact, as I type this blog, the song is repeatedly playing as my background music.. reminding me of our wonderful experience in Batanes.

A perfect jumpshot with our group joiners! 

At 6:00pm we were already back at Marfel's. Jan's mom knows someone from Basco.. When he learned we were at Basco, he treated us with a festive dinner at Octagon restaurant even though he's also in Manila. His driver picked us from Marfel's.  Buti na lang we invited Ron to come along.  I think we went home around past 10pm already.

I don't know but as I pack my stuff that night for our early flight back to Manila.. I felt really sad.. Feeling ko batanes is my hometown. Jan was also asking me if I want to extend.. But I only filed 2days leave soooo... Sniff sniff

Last glance of Batanes at the plane's window. 

For me, batanes is the best travel I had so far.. Not only because of the breathtaking scenery but the people itself. The honest & warm hospitality of the ivatans.. The simplicity of life and the company of our other joiners.. If I would to describe batanes in one word it would be.. undefinable.
We would definitely come back. So long, Batanes. Dios mamajes!

Part 1: South Batan, Batanes
Part 2: Sabtang Island, Batanes Part 3: South Batan, Batanes


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