Saturday, August 05, 2017

Part 6: Seoul Series: Last day in Seoul

Our 7th and last full day in Seoul was a free day. We decided to revisit Insadong since it's just walking distance from our hotel accommodation. We just wander around the district and bought tons of facial masks in Misha, traditional korean cookies and grocery shop for more korean goods such as red pepper sauce, cup noodles, Maxim coffee etc to bring home & give as a souvenir gifts. 

  Our brunch! Reminds me of Japanese Tonkatsu.

 Look of the day! I miss the cold weather

 On our way to Insadong..

 I'm craving of this banana milk drink at this very moment!! I drink this twice a day in Korea. 

 Our lunch before heading to the airport. We're gonna miss Seoul & Korean Foods!!

 Lotte advertisement inside the airport bus featuring my Lee Jung-Suk oppa

Before we board the plane.. we had another korean fried chicken! I have no wonder why I gained 6 kilos when we returned home in the Philippines. Korean foods are really addicting!

The only thing that I literally got myself from our trip. I dont know what I was thinking. :D

So that sums up our 8 days adventure in Seoul South Korea. 8 days went by so quickly because we definitely enjoy every single time we spent in Seoul. The rich history, culture, the incredibly delicious foods, the helpful and kind locals and a lot more are just some of the many reasons why we love Korea. When we come back, I will definitely include in our itinerary visiting LMH in the Gangnam ward office he is based in (i heard that he shakes hand with his fans waiting for him outside the office everyday) and eat Jaljamyeong, chicken with ginseng and ramyun with cheese because we weren't able to try those while in korea and ofcourse to drink banana milk TWICE every single day. Cant wait to come back soon! I want to see Korea in it's other season.. perhaps Fall or Winter?


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