Sunday, December 31, 2017

Goodbye 2017 and Hello 2018!

Another year has passed .. The earth is about to orbit once more to another 365 days. 2017 has been a wonderful year for me and as I look back.. I couldn't be more grateful that God knows my heart and showered me with overflowing blessings more than I could ever ask or imagine. The best thing He'd blessed me with this year? Our Father in heaven miraculously saved and protected Jan from an accident last February. I am eternally grateful from the bottom of my heart for another chance given to us to spend many, many mooooreee years and create beautiful memories together. One thing more.. we also finally reunited & spent a good quality time with my Dad whom we have not seen for a decade. Im healthy.. my lovedones' safe and healthy.. we have everything we need.. I couldnt ask for any thing more. Thank you, Lord! ❤ And hello 2018! I'm excited for all the new adventures this year will bring! šŸ’ƒ



Saturday, December 09, 2017

Bantayan Island: Story of our travel gone wrong šŸ˜Š

When I first visited Cebu 2 years ago.. we only stayed overnight & did a little City tour of our own visiting the old churches, temples & pigging out to our heart's content with Cebu delicacy. I promised to myself next time when we come back.. we would definitely check out its famous white sand beach, The Bantayan Island. 

However though, our trip to this Island  was a bit.. well.. it's safe to say that things didnt just go according to plan after all the series of unfortunate events we encountered : First, The airline company we flew with spoiled our trip with 5 hours of flight delay causing us to .. Second,  miss the last ferry to the island (Ferry is only until 5:30pm) and travel time from airport to the pier is another 4 hours. Third, Because of this, we had no choice but to stay overnight in another resort and travel the next day. Fourth, Only to be disappointed in the end with a terrible hotel service of Anika Island Resort upon our arrival and.. Fifth and most importantly.. we experienced a very risky and scariest boat ride in Bantayan! Our supposed "20 mins boat ride" to a nearby island became an hour gripping onto our seat in fright! There's just so much "what-ifs" going on in my head  & wished I should have planned a trip to somewhere else more accessible. But thank God, we made it to the island safe! 

While I was stressed, scared, guilty.. totally mix of emotions with all the mentioned above.. suddenly everything became a blur.. I looked at Jan and  I realized one thing:  I am one lucky woman to be loved by a very kind, patient & understanding man.  He could  just easily blame me for all the hassle, inconvenience , for the life we might have lost and all the extra cost he had to pay for this trip etc.  But he didnt. Instead, he made me calm, comforted & showed his love to me. Sure, it was totally not the most romantic moment to reflect but It's in this crazy situation that I realized how much he loves me and that I also love him more than words can say. I've heard many times people say that "The greatest feeling in this world is to love and be loved" .. and I couldnt agree more to this statement! 

Oh well Enough of my mushy-gushy-ness.. hehe.. Allow me to share with you some of our photos in Bantayan & Cebu City-- a travel gone wrong but somehow we managed to hide our worries and stress in the camera šŸ˜Š -- And make the best out of it too anyway..

 But yes, Bantayan is really beautiful..

 The sand in this area is so powdery ..I must say it could be compared to that in Boracay..

 Our packed lunch..

 Our worries fade as soon as we arrived in the Island.. 

The next day we went back to Cebu City..

 We stayed in Waterfront Cebu Lahug.. 

Ofcourse we wouldnt leave without having a taste of Cebu's famous roasted pig. Love the Pinoy interior, very good service and delicious lechon of House of Lechon.

 Yum! Look how cute they present their Lechon with its piggy wooden plate..

Thank you for loving and supporting all my crazy ideas my love :P

Before we head to the airport.. we re-visited the Taoist temple.



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