Sunday, December 31, 2017

Goodbye 2017 and Hello 2018!

Another year has passed .. The earth is about to orbit once more to another 365 days. 2017 has been a wonderful year for me and as I look back.. I couldn't be more grateful that God knows my heart and showered me with overflowing blessings more than I could ever ask or imagine. The best thing He'd blessed me with this year? Our Father in heaven miraculously saved and protected Jan from an accident last February. I am eternally grateful from the bottom of my heart for another chance given to us to spend many, many mooooreee years and create beautiful memories together. One thing more.. we also finally reunited & spent a good quality time with my Dad whom we have not seen for a decade. Im healthy.. my lovedones' safe and healthy.. we have everything we need.. I couldnt ask for any thing more. Thank you, Lord! ❤ And hello 2018! I'm excited for all the new adventures this year will bring! šŸ’ƒ



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