Sunday, September 29, 2013

My September ♥

Hello strangers..

So here I am trying to blog again. It's the last Sunday of this month and I can say that September has been a crazy month for me getting adjusted to a new position I was assigned with after my boss resigned & adjusting to our new home.. Yes,we just moved to a new house almost a couple of weeks ago. The entire house was painted with a light apple green color & I never thought that green can be that relaxing to the eyes.. We also have an attic that we're still figuring out what to do since its pretty big. It's half the size of the entire house. Hmmmm.. How I love our new house .. I pray to God that I could have the means to buy this house & give to my parents before I get married.

 with my cute,naughty nephew,Xian :))

the attic :))

Also, September is the birth month of the two important people in my life-- my nephew and boyfriend. Jan and I had a simple dinner at Sentro 1771 at Glorietta and spent the rest of the night with a refreshing cocktails in a bar that I completely forgot the name :)) The place was so romantic with candle lights, relaxing couch & good music.. We totally had a perfect night!~

  This man really knocks me off my feet. I feel secure & incredibly happy whenever I'm with him.~~

I still have so much to share but its already 11:00pm and I need to sleep now..

Till my next post. (^_^)



Sunday, August 11, 2013

My Mid-year 2013 Resolution Review

Hello everyone.. 

Time is really flying by so quickly! I cant believe that we are half way through 2013-- So I thought this is the good time for me to look back at my New Year's Resolution . I  was pleasantly surprised and really happy  of  the progress I've made so far. Im proud to say that I've already accomplished more than half of my 2013 goals in half a year--18 accomplished goals out of 25, Not bad, right? =D

 Let's start with my goal number 3 which is losing weight and my bellyfats and the rest just follows(because they are somehow connected to each other) hehehe... I'm not literally fat but I was really unhappy with my body. I remember my cousins always tease me with my big, round & bloated tummy that is why losing weight has always been my #1 list in my yearly resolution. But for some reasons, my past attempts of doing it all at once--dieting, exercising, hitting the gym and then some only made me discouraged and hungry. T_T

But this year, I have made a serious commitment of making my resolution of losing weight a reality! For the past months, I religiously exercise during Wednesday and weekends. During Saturday, I jog early in the morning and walk my dogs then during Sundays I do indoor exercise by following some exercise videos in youtube

Work-out time ^_^
With my sweethearts. I walk them after I jog. ( Goal number 6) :)

 I also became aware of my food intakes. I now avoid eating junk or any processed foods and try to eat as many healthy foods as possible such as vegetables and fruits. I also try to reduce the amount of rice I eat because believe it or not, I can consume as much as 3-4 cups of rice per meal.. (I knowwww.. pull my hair now) hahaha. And I'm glad to share that for the past 3 months, I only eat 1/2 cup of rice for lunch and 3 spoonful rice for dinner . Hahaha. I know I'm crazy!

 So now after months of working hard, from 29 waist line ( I know this is such a huge shame), my waist line is now 27! 1 inch to go!! wohhooo. Now the real challenge is keeping my current weight. But Im not going to be discouraged and lazy.. I plan to continue exercising and watch my diet--forever! Not only because I want to maintain being fit but also because I want to be more healthy and stronger as I age :)

Speaking of beautification (goal numbers 21 and 22), I now pay more attention to my skin by exfoliating every other 2 or 3 days, applying lotion after I bath and putting lemons to my knees,elbows & underarm to make them lighter. I also dont miss taking vitamins and supplements such as Vit C, E and Iron and I hot oil my hair weekly :)

Also, I now go to my work early recently (because I was forced to due to the new coastal terminal). I leave our house 5:30 am and I will be at the office at around 6:40 or before 7am. So I still have an hour to take a nap at my desk.. hmmm not bad. So my #7 resolution is accomplished because of Tolentino. :)

 As you may have noticed, most of my resolution for this year are more of a personal goals. Nxt year I want to focus on my Career and Financial goals! Yey! I'm thinking of changing a career and be independent. Hmmm.. Let's see what will happen. But for now I will work first on my unaccomplished goals..

So how are your goals going so far? I'd love for you to share? ^_^



Sunday, July 07, 2013

Lee Min Ho "My Everything Global Tour" in Manila

Hello! (^_^)

I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend! As for me, I'm still in my fan-girl mood over my super duper ultimate crush Lee Min Ho. :)) I'm so happy that I got to see him again for the second time after 8 months. hehehe~~ So here's the photo collage of the only descent photos I've taken using my old digicam [that I also posted in my facebook account] during his first "My Everything Global Tour" in Manila last night at MOA Arena. I only got to buy an upperbox ticket that I purchased the night before his concert so the photos were pretty far.. But oh well thank goodness my seatmate let me borrowed her binocular so I still got to see him clearly by afar.. :) 

 Lee Min Ho is L.O.V.E.

Hope to see you again oppa! :)


Sunday, May 26, 2013

What I learned from my Cancelled Wedding

Today, I wanted to share with you my Cancelled Wedding story...

If you have been following my blog, you know that I cancelled my dream church wedding two months before the big day but for some reasons, I didn't have enough courage to share my experience in this blog..But today, I decided to put my experience into words so that if someone else might stumbled to read this post who also went or going through my same experience-- they will know that they are not alone.. And yes my dear, cancelled weddings can really happen too in real life and not only in movies as I also thought before. But It's okay... Sometimes life is just like that. There are unexpected times  that will come into your life when you feel as if everything was perfect and then suddenly you realized, it wasn't.

I wouldn't want to divulge the reason why my dream wedding turned into a total nightmare in respect to him and his family as I believe it's not appropriate to discuss our private life in a social media site. I would like to focus on how my experience turned into positive and hopefully help others who are also struggling with the similar situation.. 


Everything for our wedding was almost set. Afterall, I have been  preparing for it for more than a year. I planned for everything.. The venues, all of our wedding vendors, the motif, the songs that will be played in our reception and my ex liked and agreed to everything that I picked. Everyday I imagine myself and him on one of the happiest days of our lives and so when the day came that I'd completely decided to call it off, I felt as if my world crashed. It's so sad witnessing how all of our  goals and future plans together suddenly disappeared in just a snap. I cried and grieved for it for weeks and it's even harder because my ex didnt even care to participate or atleast help me cancelling our vendors. We just stopped communicating one day & parted ways in a very immature manner. 

How did I overcome it? I actually didnt know. But I dont think I could ever have survived it without the love and support of my family & friends. At first, I was so anxious to let my parents know as I dont want to hurt & disappoint them but afterall what happened, I realized that my family cares about my happiness more than what they do on our wedding.. my parents and I became even closer.. they supported me all the way through my grieving stage. And so after weeks of crying with the loss of my relationship and wedding, I decided to let go. It's difficult, sad and painful at first but it's okay.. cry as much as you want to but in time, without even noticing it, you will surely get over it like I did =D

 The Things I've Learned? It has been more than a year and as I sit here doing this blog, I can completely say that I'm now perfectly okay and happy with who and what I have now without any single regret of what happened. And in fact, I believe that Calling off my wedding & splitting up with my ex was one of the bravest & smartest decision I've ever made for both of us. Since cancelling the wedding, I've learned so much about myself and my relationship with him..  I realized that I was too lost in my relationship and fell more inlove with the idea of the wedding than the idea of marriage and him having a different perspective and priorities in life... I guess we were both not ready for marriage yet that time. Afterall I was only 20 then, I still have a long way to go and learn how to make major decisions of my life like getting married.

I also learned how to trust my intuition and heart when it comes to decision-making. I have this nagging doubts in my heart [even before the wedding planning & stuff]  that he's not really the one-- that I should think of ending our relationship long before but I kept on going fearing I might regret breaking up with him in the end.. Besides, I loved him.. he loves me..and so I paused & continued and became excited & completely consumed & preoccupied with the wedding, with our future lives together and followed what my mind states.. Now I learned the hard way.. Sometimes, you know, trusting your heart & guts is the best decision to make the right decision..

But the most important lesson that I've learned from all of this is to surrender everything to God. I overplanned my life.. created a fairytale-like love story in my mind and made a decision of my own but then again when this unexpected thing happened to us, I've learned that this is not God's plans for me.. I will not plan for my life.. He already did even before I was born. Whatever his reasons, I trust HIM  and I will patiently wait for the Mr. Right for me, in His appointed time... 



Sunday, May 05, 2013

I'm back! XD

Hello you guys, I'm back!!~~

Okay..I know, i know..this is quite embarrassing when I even mentioned to my previous post about my resolution of updating this blog more often and yet this is only my second post for this year. T_T I am truly sorry for being absent for a very long time my lovelies! ~~

Well anyway, I have so much to share with you about what has happened to me these past few months. But first of all, I'd like to begin by sharing with you all that Jan and I are now officially dating!! Yes, you've heard it right.. the officemate I've mentioned to you in my last, last post. =D

So far, everything seems so perfectly fine. Jan and I get along with each other well and have a lot of things in common. We agreed to make things slow and just enjoy each other's company. No pressure!~
It's nice to know that I have finally learned to open my heart to love again after a painful split with my past relationship. I've never been happier! 

So without further ado, meet the love of my life.. Jan Emmanuel Dote Servando (^_^)

Here's us taken on the day where we became officially boyfriend & girlfriend-- On top of the Ferris wheel!

Hehehe.. I can't explain why while I'm typing this I feel so nervous.. It feels like I'm introducing a boyfriend to my parents.. LOL =D

I wish I could summarize everything that I want to share with you guys in one post.. but i will save that for my next posts.

Till next time



Sunday, January 06, 2013

My 2013 Goals ❤

Hello my lovelies! 

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!

Its the first Sunday of 2013 and my first blog entry for this year so I thought I would share with you my 2013 goals or so called "New Year's Resolution". :))

Looking back at my last year's resolution, I think 70% were achieved. I plan to continue what I have started and attain more goals.

Here they are:

1. Forgive and let go of the grudges I feel to the people who have hurt me.
2. Love myself even more.
3. Lose weight. Specially my belly fats. XD
4. Be seriously disciplined of what I eat.
5. Exercise/Jog every weekends with cousins.
6. Walk the dogs on my free time.
7. Avoid being late at work.
8. Be a more efficient employee.
9. Close more deals with my AXA Business
10. Write more blogs and keep it updated.
11. Be more organized.
12. Overhaul my room.
13. Save money to pay for my insurance premium.
14. Treat my family with an out-of-town vacation.
15. Be a better daughter? :)
16. Help my mom with household chores.
17. Learn to cook more dishes.
18. Stop depressing myself over small; non-sense things.
19. Be more positive.
20. Learn how to play guitar.
21. Make myself even beautiful; rebond my hair, focus on my diet, skin beautification, nail arts & wear nice clothes :))
22. Pay more attention in taking good care of my hair. I want to have a shiny, healthy hair!!!
23. Inspire other women to be the better versions of themselves!
24. Play with my nephew and dogs more.
25. And lastly, enjoy my life to the fullest!

So there.. Maybe I might add some few more in the coming months. But this is good for now.
Goodluck to everybody else who have resolutions!!



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