Sunday, May 05, 2013

I'm back! XD

Hello you guys, I'm back!!~~

Okay..I know, i know..this is quite embarrassing when I even mentioned to my previous post about my resolution of updating this blog more often and yet this is only my second post for this year. T_T I am truly sorry for being absent for a very long time my lovelies! ~~

Well anyway, I have so much to share with you about what has happened to me these past few months. But first of all, I'd like to begin by sharing with you all that Jan and I are now officially dating!! Yes, you've heard it right.. the officemate I've mentioned to you in my last, last post. =D

So far, everything seems so perfectly fine. Jan and I get along with each other well and have a lot of things in common. We agreed to make things slow and just enjoy each other's company. No pressure!~
It's nice to know that I have finally learned to open my heart to love again after a painful split with my past relationship. I've never been happier! 

So without further ado, meet the love of my life.. Jan Emmanuel Dote Servando (^_^)

Here's us taken on the day where we became officially boyfriend & girlfriend-- On top of the Ferris wheel!

Hehehe.. I can't explain why while I'm typing this I feel so nervous.. It feels like I'm introducing a boyfriend to my parents.. LOL =D

I wish I could summarize everything that I want to share with you guys in one post.. but i will save that for my next posts.

Till next time



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