Saturday, February 28, 2015

Hello Baler ❤

While browsing my old pictures, I decided to post my photo of our last year's summer outing in Baler to my instagram-- thus, made me inspired to blog our awesome experience in Baler, Aurora Quezon. To tell you honestly, Im the least adventurous person and I specifically not a fond of any kind of water sports. But I love being in the beach. When I thiNk about beach, I remember my childhood summer vacation in Bicol. The sounds of the waves and just by simply walking barefooted at the sandy shore relaxes my senses. But then again since I knew that surfing wasn't really my thing, I searched online on the other things to do in Baler and I was happy to discover that there were a lot of tourist attractions to visit aside from its famed Sabang Surf beach. 

We left Paranaque at exactly 3am and drove our way to Baler for nearly 8hrs.. We stayed in Jullia's Place.. a cozy transient house conveniently located near Sabang beach and I could say we had a pleasant stay there. The owner is very hands on to his business and made sure to accommodate all of our requests. I also want to mention the clean and fresh smelling linens and matress. I think Jan paid almost Php5,000 including 2 extra beds and pillows for an overnight stay. We're a group of 10 by the way. So technically, the cost per person for an overnight stay is Php500.00 and we have the entire house just for ourselves. Too bad I don't have a descent photo of Jullias place so I took some photos from their FB account. 

Photo courtesy of Jullia's Place FB page.

We just lodge our bag and immediately looked for a place to eat. And because its peak season, almost all restaurants and hotels were jampacked with tourists. As we drive along the area, we spotted this typical calinderia made of bamboos and nipa hut with only quite a few people dining & so we all agreed to have our lunch there.. I think we ate in this calinderia twice. They serve deliciously cooked Filipino dishes in a really affordable price. I think menu ranges from Php40-50.00 per dish order with rice and free soup.

After lunch we decided to stop by to Baler Museum and Manuel L. Quezon House.

A creepy preserved Philippine Eagle.

Then we also checked the sabang  beach before we get back to the transient house to rest after our sleepless and tiring travel. At first glance, Sabang Surf Beach was just okay.. Not so enticing beach to swim at but once you experience the strong waves.. You would know why people are keep on coming back. The beach is also safe for first time surfer and for someone like me who doesn't even know how to swim because after the strong and big waves hit you, you would still find your feet grounded in the sand.

As soon as we had Our energy back, we finally hit the beach. There were a lot of surf board rentals and instructors along the beach that you can hire. Jan decided to avail 3 instructors for me, his younger brother Carlo and 12 yrs old younger sister Yna.. They gave us some guidelines and a short info about surfing.. While practicing how to stand on the board at the beach sand.. I could not even lift myself. I felt heavy and unhealthy. It was just so frustrating. Huhuhu

And so while all of them were having the best time of their lives enjoying the big waves, I was just under the bridge, hiding from the scorching sun and became their official photographer. Hehehe. It was fun though seeing their face reactions as they fall from the board. Hehe.

In her second try, Yna was able to surf like a pro and made her way until the shoreline. Bravo! She convinced me to atleast try and since I was there already.. Sige na nga. Ang KJ ko naman. On my 1st attempt, I got wounded by preventing my board to hit the girl in front of me and swallowed a lot of salty water.. Did I try once more? The answer is ofcourse NO. Not again. Trauma agad. The least I could do was to lie at the board and paddle using my hands. But I did enjoy the adrenaline rush of waiting for the strong waves to hit my body.. Its like a relaxing massage at my back by the nature.

The next morning, we woke up early so we could surf again before we get back to manila. Assual, the poor me seated under the bridge again while all of them were busy having a perfect surf pose using ate Ann's go pro that Jan almost lost after he accidentally shoved the camera off from the board. Good thing my instructor was able to find it.

A few hours of surfing and we're back to the transient to pack our bags. We didn't take shower as we  headed straight to the Mother falls. It took us around 30mins trek before we finally reached Mother falls. Along the way, you would pass by 2-3 baby falls before mother falls, thus its name derived. By that time, most of our phones were already lowbat.

Soaking in the cold and refreshing water of Mother Falls after a tiring trek to stiff and slippery rocks was just so worth it. Mother falls is probably one of the most beautiful falls I have ever seen so far.. For me, this was the highlight of our trip.

We just changed clothes at the public cr and stopped by to the historical church of Baler. I prayed to God for this happy trip and the opportunity for us to travel together. I also asked for guidance to keep us safe for another 8 hrs travel back to Manila.

So there.. Our short but sweet trip to Baler. We all went home sunbaked from the scorching sun of late April. As i look at our pictures, i suddenly had an urge to try surfing again.. Hopefully by then i would have a picture of me really surfing and not just holding a surf board just for the sake of picture. Hehe. 

Meanwhile, here's our Baler Video made by Carlo and Leon, obviously they're a huge fan of Franco:)


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