Thursday, May 24, 2012

What makes me grateful?

One great exercise that I always love to do is to list down the things I am grateful of. And ever since I started counting my blessings [instead of looking at my situation], I feel that it gives me an inner sense of happiness, peace and well-being. I realized, though, that no matter what the circumstance is, there is always something to be thankful for. And through this list I want to be continuously reminded of how blessed I am..

I hope as you read this, you too will get inspired to count the blessings that God has placed upon you and experience the wonders of having a grateful heart. 

1. I'm grateful that I am alive. That I get to spend time with the people I loved & enjoy the abundant and beautiful life that God has in stored for me.

2. I'm grateful to have great parents who have taught us to be well-rounded & God-fearing individuals that we are today.

3. I'm grateful to have a sister like Ate Icay who loves and supports me in everything that I do.

4. I'm grateful to have a charming and adorable nephew that brings so much joy to our family.

5. I'm grateful to have an extended family who fill my life with so much love and support each day.

6. I'm grateful to have a dog like Calix who can sing well and never fails to wake me up every morning with full of excitement, wagging tails and sweet licks.

7. I'm grateful to have real and amazing friends that treat and support me like a family.

8. I'm grateful to be able to eat 3-4 times a day [sometimes even 6]

9. I'm grateful to have everything I need--- foods, clothes & a comfortable and peaceful home.

10. I'm grateful for the people in my working environment that encourages me to be successful in life.

11. I'm grateful that my family and I are blessed with good health.

12. I'm grateful for the strength that God is giving me to get up after I fall.

13. I'm grateful that i can make people laugh with my humor.

14. I'm grateful for my youth, charm, beauty and intelligence [that's what you called confidence]

15. I'm grateful for the painful experiences  that drew me closer to God.

16. I'm grateful that I am experiencing the joy of giving than receiving.

17. I'm grateful that I know that happiness is a choice.

18. I'm grateful to have FB, Twitter, Blogspot and Gmail accounts that I am able to connect & communicate with people in every parts of the world.

19. I'm grateful for the new opportunities that's coming in my life and love

20. I'm grateful that I know that money is not everything; that it would only give you physical comforts but it would never give you pure and complete happiness.

21. I'm grateful that I can inspire and be of help to others.

22. I'm grateful that God gave me the patience to wait for the right man in his perfect time.

23. I'm grateful for the lessons I'm learning each day.

24. I'm grateful that I've finally learned to accept the things that I cannot change.

25. I'm grateful that I have a free time to make this blog.

26.I'm grateful that God saved me.

27. I'm grateful that I'm on the process of slowly healing and forgiving the people who have hurt me.

28. I'm grateful that God forgave me.

29. I'm grateful that God is in control of my life.

30. I'm grateful that God is giving me time to spread and share the good news.

31. I'm grateful that I can make a difference through my writings.

32. I'm grateful that I have countless reasons why I should feel grateful ;)

How about you? What makes you grateful?

“To say we feel grateful is not to say that everything in our lives is necessarily great. It just means we are aware of our blessings.” -- Dr. Emons


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