Saturday, May 26, 2012

My 21st Birthday! ♡

I realized, I never really planned anything for my past birthdays.The last big party I had that I could only remember was when I was 7.. the rest were just small get-togethers with family and friends. Nothing really special.

And because there's been a lot of change and realization in my life that made me aware [ after the sudden death of my cousin's boyfriend ] that our life on earth is just short and temporary to live in resentment, bitterness & regrets.. so why waste our energy and precious time on something unimportant? And to be given another year to live is a worth of a celebration---- So i thought of posting some photos of my 21st birthday in my blog to re-remind myself how blessed and lucky I am.

Blowing my birthday cake

I only had a simple party at home [ with home-cooked Filipino dishes ] made with love by my mom, Tita Salve & Tita Tess. Then enjoyed the rest of the day with karaoke over some alcohols and of course, endless talks & picture takings [which is really so "us"] . ^_^ 

Cousin's from Mom's side
w/ my sister hiding her face to her son's, Tita Salve & Larriza
Cousin's from dad side

Rose, Me and echo and my mom that's been forced to take a pic because she's cooking & feeling haggard. lol

With Genrei, Carein & Barrugs. No dull moment with these people!

and a jump shot! ;)
Eventhough I didnt  have a grand party but to be surrounded with the people I loved on my very special day was such a priceless thing. Thank You Lord for another year. I pray to spend my 22nd birthday with my dad next year **cross-fingers!** And oh, if you're wonderin' when's my birthday.. its April 5. ^_^

Have a goodnight everyone! 



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