Saturday, October 27, 2012

My Japan Adventures

I thought I got rid all of my ex's pictures until I organized & de-cluttered files in my laptop today & saw a couple of pictures of us together during my first Japan trip last December. And although I had a not-so good memory of my first travel there (because that's where our relationship ended), I still want to share with you some random pics of my Japan adventures.. afterall, it has always been my dream for years to travel Japan and thanks to my ex that I was able to visit Japan because of him . **evil laugh**

Warning: This post is photo-heavy ;) 

This beautiful corset was given to me as a wedding present by Yuu (my ex's Japanese friend) that I should have worn under my wedding dress (if only the wedding pushed through) T_T

and my first ever picture in Japan taken at Fukuoka International Airport. And because I didnt anticipate the very cold weather, I had to change my black flats to boots right away.

Hakata Station

This is the bathroom of the hotel where we stayed in. The whole bathroom was made of plastic--- and its common to all Japan hotels. Suteki ii ne?  ;)

 On my fourth day, my ex & I ate at a famous ajisen ramen restaurant near their place.. Oishii ^_^

This is Rolly-chan.. a very kind Pinoy friend of my ex. She toured me in Dazaifu Shrine on my 6th day while my ex was at work & even let me stayed at their house for one night. Isn't she so nice? ;)

They're the nicest Pinoys I've met in Japan. Thank You Rolly-chan, Nikki, Mike & Joel-kun for your kindness.. though, we may never get to see each other again but I will always be grateful that I've met you guys.

Famous Purikura Box 

at Dazaifu Shrine 

Rolly-chan's cute siblings! (^o^)

Hello-Kitty Car! Kawaii! ^0^

A nice interior of Starbucks Coffee in Dazaifutenmangu Ometesando, Fukuoka. 

My advice to all first time traveller in Japan is to always follow the rule "keep left unless overtaking" when on escalator. ;)

Kumamoto Castle 

 me posing like a crazy at the entrance. 

This was taken at Kumamoto church on christmas eve. On the contrary of our Christmas tradition in the Philippines, Christmas in Japan is actually a lot like a Valentines day. You can see couples everywhere instead of celebrating it with their families.

Suizenjin Jojuen Park. 

 This is really breath-taking!

I love this tree! ^_^

Hah! I feel like a real Japanese in this kind of sitting position with my ehem.. **ex** hahaha. But its an awesome feeling that while I was looking at our pics together, I literally felt nothing at all. No sad or bitter feelings, really. I guess I'm finally over him---Oh well, whatever happens, he would still be part of my life regardless of the reason why we didn't make it. (^o^)

I hope everyone's having a great weekend! 
Till next time! (^_^)



Sunday, October 21, 2012

Lee Min Ho BenchSetter Fun Meet

Happy Sunday Everyone! ~

I have been so busy the last couple of weeks that I havent even taken the time to update my blog. 

First of all, **drum roll please** I'd like to share with you that my super duper ultimate korean crush... Lee Min Ho, is coming to the Philippines for his BenchSetter Fun Meet on November 16! YEY! (I know this is not news to everyone especially to all Minoz fans in the Philippines its just that I'm so happy I could die that we finally got our Patron tickets after going to one mall to another & begged all the Bench managers that we visited just to reserve us an invites! ~~ (^o^)

So to all the Minoz Philippines, See you in Smart Araneta Coliseum on Nov 16! 

Oppa you're unbelievably handsome~~ We can't wait to see you!! :D

And just because I am in the mood to update my dearest blog, I'd also like to share with you my nails this week inspired by my pig tumbler at the office ~~

And lastly, a group picture with my beloved friends at Rose & AJ's Birthday Celebration in Banana Leaf Greenbelt 3 last night!

That'll be all for now! Work time again tomorrow!


Saturday, October 06, 2012

The most important man in my life!

Hello everyone!
Its Saturday once again but today is an extra special day because it's my Dad's birthday!! ~~ 

Happy 51st Birthday my beloved Papa!! ^o^

I wish he's here with us to celebrate & blow his cake. If I remember it right, I think my dad went back to Saudi Arabia to work around February or March of 2008--so it has been almost 5 years since the last time I saw him & I really, really miss him. T_T

Looking back, during my younger years, I was never close to my dad. My sister & I even graduated from elementary to college without him witnessing it. And in fact, I couldn't even remember celebrating any of my birthdays with him or his birthdays with us-- something like that-- coz he only visits us every 4 years due to his employment contract. 

But even though my dad, at some point, may not be the good provider & protector but atleast now I can see that he's changing and that he loves us unconditionally.

Afterall, he's still and forever will be my one and only DAD~~

and its a shame that it took me so long to figure it out.

I pray to God to always keep my dad safe & bless him with good health & long life as I want to spend more time with him & celebrate together all the important occasions that we've missed...

and of-course to take lots of pictures too because sad to say..
This is the only photo I found of myself & him together taken 12 years ago..

 I love you so much Papa! I wish you more birthdays to come!


I will always be your little girl,


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