Saturday, October 06, 2012

The most important man in my life!

Hello everyone!
Its Saturday once again but today is an extra special day because it's my Dad's birthday!! ~~ 

Happy 51st Birthday my beloved Papa!! ^o^

I wish he's here with us to celebrate & blow his cake. If I remember it right, I think my dad went back to Saudi Arabia to work around February or March of 2008--so it has been almost 5 years since the last time I saw him & I really, really miss him. T_T

Looking back, during my younger years, I was never close to my dad. My sister & I even graduated from elementary to college without him witnessing it. And in fact, I couldn't even remember celebrating any of my birthdays with him or his birthdays with us-- something like that-- coz he only visits us every 4 years due to his employment contract. 

But even though my dad, at some point, may not be the good provider & protector but atleast now I can see that he's changing and that he loves us unconditionally.

Afterall, he's still and forever will be my one and only DAD~~

and its a shame that it took me so long to figure it out.

I pray to God to always keep my dad safe & bless him with good health & long life as I want to spend more time with him & celebrate together all the important occasions that we've missed...

and of-course to take lots of pictures too because sad to say..
This is the only photo I found of myself & him together taken 12 years ago..

 I love you so much Papa! I wish you more birthdays to come!


I will always be your little girl,


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