Thursday, June 07, 2012

How I comfort myself during stress/depressions

 I honestly have been battling with being depressed since the start of this year. And for those who know me you already know why. And even though I had overcome it, I cant still say that I am completely okay. I've learned that the healing process doesnt happen overnight. It takes a lot of time and patience to finally mend a broken heart. So its okay not to be okay some time. But I am proud of myself that I survived and doing quite well dealing with it. So i thought of sharing with you my simple ways of how I comfort and deal with my depressions and though I know that every person has varied ways of coping up, I hope this post would be an inspiration  to help you find your own techniques to comfort yourself. ;)

1. Playing with Calix.

Calix is my number one stress-reliever. He is usually hyper active but when I'm sad, upset or worried, he can sense that. He would come to me very calmly by licking my hand or laying down beside me.  And oh, believe it or not, Calix can also sing very well! He can sing Sitdown You're rocking the boat, Hello, The Alphabet song, Oh Mcdonalds, Inchy winchy spider, Tinky Winky & Upin and Ipin themed songs. ^^ ---- And just by simply looking at him singing brightens up my day because he's just too cute and adorable. I sooo love Calix ;P

2. Karaoke.

I love to sing and  that is what I always do when I'm feeling blue or just alone at home. For me, karaoke is a great way to relax our mind & to relish stress for a while XD You can tell im sad if I'm singing Superwoman by Karyn White and I Will Survive (Hush Hush) by PSD. lol

3. Ice Creams

I have a trouble eating when Im depressed, especially during the past few months [after my relationship break-up] I've lost so much weight. I dont know but whenever Im sad I'd like to eat ice cream ;) It's my number one comfort food. The specific ice cream flavors that I like to eat are mocha, cookies and cream, vanilla & caramel sundae of Mcdonals. hahaha. Geezz.. my mouth is literally salivating at the moment just by thinking about it.  I want an ice cream!!!!!!

4. Shopping

I bet most women are guilty of this.. am I right, girls? ;) It makes me happy when I get to buy or treat myself with something nice like buying a new pair of shoes or just by simply getting a manicure & pedicure. But now I feel more depressed because i dont have money, how can I shop? lol. ;)

5.  Rain

I love it when it rains! Something bout the rain is very soothing to me. And yes, the sound of it is also very calming. ;)

6. Taking a long, hot shower.
My mom taught me this. She says that whenever I feel lazy, unmotivated and upset, taking a long, hot shower will instantly change your mood--and she's right. It helps me feel refreshed, clean and revived!

7.Watching Korean dramas

I am in love with Korean dramas! When I sometimes tend to over-think, I just focus myself to other things like watching K-dramas and I'm okay. Myyyy how can someone stay stressed by looking at handsome korean actors like Lee Min Ho, Hyun Bin, Kang Min HYuk, Ji Sung & Yoo Seung Ho? =D

8. Writing.

I always express myself through writing [even blogging] no matter what mood I am in. When Im feeling a little sad or tired, I write my feelings down in a piece of paper and tear them apart after. For me, writing is a great way to burst out your true feelings and emotions.

9. Walking

I like taking a short walk alone around the neighborhood with a music headphone on. The fresh air rejuvenates and relaxes me. It clears up my mind and helps me stay focus. When I'm walking, I like the instrumental song "Creating Love" by 4 minutes being played in my iphone. I dont know but there's something about that song that cheers me up. (^_^)

10. I tak to HIM.

 If there is something good happened [from all of this] apart from learning how to love myself more, I also built a good relationship with God. I had incredibly experienced God's comfort & healing during my darkest days and since then I always talk to God anytime, in any place and about anything.
I discovered that praying and meditating is not just a bedtime rituals but It'll transform your life supernaturally.

That's all for now. Have a good night loves! xxxx



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